
Our mission

“Inspire the transition toward a plant-rich diet to contribute to people’s well-being and planet health”.


Defined in this way, our mission serves as our compass. It guides our economic activity, enables us to gain a clearer vision and helps us choose where to battle and where to withdraw. It is inseparable from our corporate mission, as without economic sustainability there is no positive impact and, conversely, there is no corporate mission without a contribution to sustainability challenges. This is a very strong dual ambition that we know will create value for our entire ecosystem.

A video on our mission

Bonduelle Group 's mission

Our vision

Christophe Bonduelle
"Plant-rich food is becoming a key challenge in the well-living of future generations, both in the amount of food to produce and the ways it is produced."
Christophe Bonduelle
Group Chairman

Our B! Pact approach

The B Pact

At Bonduelle, we are convinced that nature is our future. The B! Pact covers the concrete and measurable commitments made by Bonduelle to the planet, food and people. Our ambition is to increase the place of plant-rich food in everyone's diet.

Bpact food
#1 - Make plant-rich food affordable

For our own health and the good of the planet, the data consistently shows that our diets need to evolve. The risks mentioned above demonstrate the need for a predominantly plant-rich diet. In our opinion, the time has come for a plant-rich revolution to ensure the well-being of current and future generations and ecosystems.

We strive every day to make plant-rich food affordable for everyone and to promote a delicious and healthier diet.

Bpact planet
#2 - Preserve the planet

Our dependence on nature is not limited to food production. Natural ecosystems provide other services essential to our survival, producing water, fiber and other raw materials that keep our economies going.

However, land take and soil depletion, tropical deforestation, ocean and river pollution, climate change, the overexploitation of resources, biodiversity loss and the widespread use of pesticides are all elements that now endanger nature and its ability to provide us with these services that are essential to our existence and quality of life. It is our collective and individual duty to respond and protect our environment.

We support responsible farming, all around the world, and every day we seek out new ways to grow, prepare and sell our products, to preserve the environment.

Bpact people
#3 - Feed people sustainably

Food is one of the major issues of our time: we need to be able to meet the needs of a growing population, while limiting humanity's ecological footprint, which is closely linked to food. Indeed, food systems upstream and downstream (from the farm to the garbage can) account for one third of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (source: WWF).

A healthy diet is also a key factor in maintaining longevity, as the two main risk factors that reduce life expectancy are malnutrition and dietary risks.

We are committed to having a positive economic and social impact, for both our employees and the communities.

CSR is in our DNA
1996 : Première charte agronomique 2002 : Première politique RSE autour de 4 piliers : Agronomie, humain, Qualité & Nutrition, Ressources naturelles Fondation Louis Bonduelle 2012 : Global Reporting Initiative : obtention d’un label international pour notre politique RSE. Publication de la charte éthique 2016 : Définition de nouveaux objectifs RSE 2019 : Révélation de nos engagements B!Pact à horizon 2025 2020 : Membre fondateur du B Movement Builders et inscription de notre raison d’être dans nos statuts 2021 : Lancement de notre projet collectif d’entreprise INSPIRE
First agronomic charter


First CSR policy

around four pillars: Agronomy, People, Quality & Nutrition and Natural Resources

Creation of the Louis Bonduelle Foundation


Global Reporting Initiative

Awarded an international label for our CSR policy. Publication of the ethics charter

Definition of new CSR objectives


Disclosure of our B! Pact commitments

 à horizon 2025

B Movement Builders

Founding member of the B Movement Builders and inclusion of our mission in our articles of association


Launch of our INSPIRE company-wide project


On the path to B Corp certification

The B Corp certification approach that we have undertaken reflects this strong commitment. This ambitious goal aims to certify 100% of Bonduelle by 2025. But to make B! Pact a success, we need everyone’s help!


Fourche dans un champ

What is B Corp certification?

"B Corp" is a certification granted to companies that set themselves non-financial social or environmental objectives and meet strict accountability and transparency criteria. Short for benefit corporation, "B Corps" seek to rethink the concept of success in business and use the company's performance to serve the public interest.

It is managed by the NGO B Lab, which certifies companies wanting to take this route. From equal pay to child labor, transparency and governance issues, the certification examines over 200 criteria. 80 points are required to be recognized as a B Corp.

Agriculteur tenant une botte de carottes

All you need to know about our CSR policy

If you've reached the bottom of this page, it's because the subject of the plant-rich revolution speaks to you. Here you'll find something to get your teeth into… to learn all about our CSR commitments. 
Happy reading!
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